Gay cum slut stories

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The evening included a lot of drinking, like it did, and spending a lot of money on sexy, but untouchable, women. This night it included going to a strip club to celebrate the engagement of another buddy of mine Eddie. So let's pretend that is the case.įLASHBACK BEGIN On that normal night, it was our usual Thursday night men's night. If this was a movie, we would have some sweet music now and it would flashback to the day it all began. Everything was going as planned, everything made sense. It was al laid out, we even knew the names of our future kids: Thomas and Leanne (named after my father and her mother). You know the deal: graduate, get good jobs, get married, have two kids, a white picket fence in the suburbs, and live the American dream. I was in my fourth year of college, majoring in commerce I was engaged to a cute, sweet girl named Tabitha and we had a plan. Note 2: Of course, all participants over the age of 18. The story is a little extreme, so if that offends you please stop reading now. It is my first attempt at writing gay male fiction. Note: This is a story based on a request from a fan.

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